
音标/读音 ['drʌmә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 鼓手, 旅行推销员
[经] 跑街, 旅行商人, 旅行销货人

n. someone who plays a drum



Which is funny because he's a drummer.

这很搞笑 因为他是鼓手

Credits to the drummer, he's hanging in there.

鼓手太了不起了 他还在坚持

Obviously, he marches to the beat of his own drummer.

显然 他带出了他自己的一番新气象

Apparently, this brain belonged to a drummer.

显然 这是一个鼓手的脑子

Dude, you are a great *ing drummer.

哥们儿 你是个超棒的鼓手

Kobrine sold the pills to the drummer.


You are both regarded as particularly excellent drummers.


Sure. I am the best drummer in the bands.

当然 我是乐队里最棒的鼓手

Your drummer's leaving. I thought you should know.

你的鼓手要走了 我觉得应该告诉你

The drummer's bureau, worked cyber out of our office.
