
音标/读音 [laundʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 闲逛, 休闲室, 长沙发
vi. 闲混, (懒洋洋地)躺
vt. 闲混

n. a room (as in a hotel or airport) with seating where people can wait
v. sit or recline comfortably



All this lounging is awful. I'm miserable.

如此悠闲真是太糟糕了 我好痛苦

There's a couch in the lounge that's free.


I am no longer welcome in that lounge.


A nightclub isn't really... It's more of a lounge.

一个夜店不是个 更像是个高级酒吧

There are some brownies in the refrigerator in the lounge.

休息室的冰箱里 还有巧克力蛋糕

I repeat, coffee and donuts in the lounge.

我再说一遍 休息室里有咖啡和甜甜圈

We're supposed to be having dinner tonight... in the lounge.

我们约好今晚吃饭 在酒廊

II set her up in the attendings' lounge.


I hid a camera in the teachers' lounge.


We were in a teacher's lounge not the cafeteria before homeroom.

我们是在教师休息室 不是高中的自助餐厅了