
音标/读音 ['ju:sləslɪ]
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◎ 单词释义

adv. 无益地, 无用地

r. in a useless manner



Useless to our country, useless to our families.

帮不上自己的国家 更帮不上自己的家人

I'm just so I'm... useless, I'm so *ing useless.

我只是很没用 我太没用了

She was useless his own words for her.

她一无是处 这是他的原话

If I wasn't so useless, that's what I'd say.

如果有点用处的话 我会这么说的

They're useless if we don't know who it is.

不知道它是谁 这些也没用

I have to sleep, or I'll be useless.

我得睡觉 否则也是白费力气

If I'm in jail again, then I'll be useless to them.

我再进监狱的话 对他们也没用

If I have no underlings, I'm useless.

要是没有下属 我就废了

And so you're absolutely useless to me.


All useless that's what you're telling me.

但全都沒用 你就這個意思啊