
音标/读音 ['derik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 起重机, 小偷
[化] 吊杆起重机; 人字起重机

n. a framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowered
n. a simple crane having lifting tackle slung from a boom



Derrick, you know I can't promise that.

德里克 你知道我无法保证

We need to confirm the spot for the derrick tonight.


Derrick, for just being the most generous person ever.

德里克 他真是太大方了

Derrick's got no respect, hates being a soldier.

德里克不尊重上级 讨厌当兵

It's 130 in the shade, and there ain't any shade up there on that derrick.

树荫下也有130度 铁架上可没有什么荫凉

Derrick, you believe in something, all right, and you fight for it.

德瑞克 你心中有信仰 并为它而奋斗

Derrick was the one who found out the truth about your mother.

德里克是那个查清你母亲 事情真相的人

Derrick sent me a list of top donors.


Derrick and I joined 'cause we wanted to be just like you.


Derrick, nothing goes down in this neighborhood without your okay.

德里克 这一带的事 不都要你点头吗