
音标/读音 ['iәrin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 爱尔兰

n. an early name of Ireland that is now used in poetry



Erin, you are not meeting him alone.

艾琳 你不能单独跟他见面

Erin, believe me when I tell you I am doing this for you.

艾琳 相信我 我这是为你好

Erin's not coming, so I'm flying solo.

艾琳不去 我只有一个人

Erin and the kids are safely out on a walk.

艾琳和孩子们在外面散步 很安全

Erin, we're sorry that you lost your job.

艾琳 很遗憾你失去了工作

Erin, there's a locker room on your level.

艾琳 你那层有间*室

Erin, I need more towels. I need more towels.

艾琳 我还需要毛巾 再来几条毛巾

Erin sleeping with that guy, it bothered me, but it didn't hurt me.

艾琳和那个男的睡觉了 这让我很困扰 但是并没受伤

Erin, listen, trust me, you need to get down here.

艾琳 听着 相信我 你必须得来一趟

Erin, all of our theories on spectral possession are true.

艾琳 我们所有关于恶鬼缠身的理论都是对的