
音标/读音 ['tɔ:sәu]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 躯干, 裸体躯干雕像
[医] 躯干

n. the body excluding the head and neck and limbs



She's a talking horse and she has no torso.

她就愛吹牛 她也沒有軀干

With a torso like that, she gets around.

如此丰满的上身 她绝对声名远播啊

Now, there was cyanide in the torso, but not in the foot.

躯干上有氰化物 但脚上没有

There is perimortem bruising on his hands and torso.


They'll be chopping bits of me off until I'm nothing but a torso.

它们会不断啃食我的脏器 直到我只剩下个躯壳

Yeah, he could have buried the torso, but look.

是啊 他本可以将躯干埋掉 但你看

On each3 on the torso and two on their necks.

刀伤 身上三处 脖子上两处

They were on top of her pelvic area and her torso.

他们压在她的骨盆 她的躯干上

He was taking them out by shrinkwrapping them around his torso.

他把脑子放热塑收缩包装里 裹在身体上带出来

When her body was found, her torso wasn't scratched or bruised.

她的尸體被發現的時候 身體上沒有刮痕和淤青