
音标/读音 ['eilmәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 病痛, 疾病
[医] 疾病

n. an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining



I may be treating a nonexistent ailment.


I don't want to hear about your imaginary ailments anymore.


I have developed an elixir for the treatment of just such an ailment.


Abandonment is a trigger for a host of psychological ailments.

抛弃是一系列 心理疾病的根源

It seems that stomach ailment has really gotten the better of her.

她的腹痛好像 真的非常严重

We use it for dry skin and, uh, other more private ailments.

我们用它来控油 以及治疗其他私密疾病

We all wish we could do more, but our job is to treat the ailment that brought the patient in, and that's all.

我们都希望能多做一点 但我们的职责就是治好 把病人送进来的病 仅此而已

I have enough to manage without dealing with folks' ailments.

不去治疗那些生病的人 我的事儿就够多了

We all carry psychic wounds that can manifest in physical ailments.

我们都有精神创伤 这些创伤会在身体疾病上表现出来

Although, you can pick up some rather rare ailments doing just that.

不过 有时候那样 你可能会染上什么罕见的病