
音标/读音 ['pærәdɒks]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话, 悖论, 怪人怪事
[化] 佯谬

n. (logic) a statement that contradicts itself



The problem with paradoxes, in about 30 seconds I'll be a girl who remembers a show that never existed, which makes me a living, breathing paradox.

悖论的问题 30秒后我会成为一个 记得不存在的节目的女孩 这让我成为一个活生生的悖论

You're both the same person, that's a paradox.

你们是同一个人 这是悖论

Well, we can't do that because we'd paradox.

不行 我们已经在悖论里了

they've created a paradox in my programming.


You can't paradox them if they're already dead.

如果他们已经死了 你没法让悖论产生

If you paradox her, you'll destroy everyone.

如果你把她给悖论化 会害死所有的人

No, the the chest is moving paradoxically.

不对 他的胸廓在做反常运动

Elucidation of that paradox is not ours to know.


The paradox is the more we grow, the more poverty we create.

这样就出现了一个悖论 越发展 带来越多贫困

Believe me, you don't want to be around for a paradox.

相信我 你不会想让悖论发生的