
音标/读音 ['stju:wәdis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 空中小姐, 女管理人, 女管家

n. a woman steward on an airplane



First class, warm towels, hot nuts, a hot stewardess, a nice stewardess.

头等舱 热毛巾 热坚果 性感的空姐 和气的空姐

A pilot and his wife, who's a stewardess.

飞行员 以及一个做空姐的妻子

The object of a stewardess's desperate lust.


Stewardess, I think the man next to me is a doctor.

小姐 我身旁的该是医生

The rich guy that we looked into for the murder of that stewardess.

我们之前调查的涉嫌谋杀空姐的 那个有钱人

You have the potential to lead the glamorous life of a stewardess.

你有潜力过上 空姐的迷人生活

Really, III would never ask out a stewardess that that works for me.

真的 我根本不敢 跟在我手下工作的空姐約會

Everyone, turn in your cell phones and electronics to the stewardess.

全都把手机和电子设备 交给乘务员

Nothing like a stewardess to turn a man's frown upside down.


Now, as a stewardess, I was on my feet a lot, so my best assets are my toned legs and my abs.

做空姐时 我经常站着 我最好的优点就是长细腿加腹肌