
音标/读音 ['æŋgrili]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 愤怒地

r. with anger



I think she's trying to angrily give him the cookie.


He looked at you really angrily, and then he saw me and he calmed down immediately.

他看你的眼神好愤怒 然后他看到了我 马上就平静了

It's when a lady just sits there with her mouth open while a gang of men hover over her like they are all angrily watering the same plant.

就是一個女人坐著 嘴巴張開 一群男人圍在她上面 就像一群水壺在給同一株植物澆水