
音标/读音 [.aut'wit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 瞒骗, 以智取胜

v. beat through cleverness and wit



It's hard to outwit this intelligent team.


I wouldn't have let a couple of kids outwit me.


You've got to outwit him, you've got to outfly him.

你必须得智取 得把他甩掉

The humble bunny can outwit all of his enemies.


For the past ten years, she's been outwitted by the same family of gophers.

过去十年 她一直被 同一家囊地鼠耍得团团转

And as I am not the killer, one must conclude that the killer did not, nor could not, outwit you.

但我又不是凶手 那么可以得出 凶手的智商不会 也不可能会超过你

I enjoy a bird that uses its, native cunning to outwit the hunter.

我欣賞那些鳥依靠自己的 慧黠躲過狩獵者

I'm trained to outwit and out*art clinical psychopaths far more dangerous than her.

我接受的训练是要靠智慧战胜 那些远比她危险的精神病罪犯

...and now software that is easily outwitted by your average stock clerk.

现在又是被普通仓库管理人员 比下去的应用软件

First I outwit alpha males like you for fun and sometimes profit.

首先我跟你这种大男子斗智斗勇是为了消遣 有时也谋点利