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◎ 单词释义

n. 加文(男子名)



Gavin, I'm lowering you down a radio and a mask.

嘉文 我给你放下去一部对讲机和一个面罩

Gavin, it would be an honour to feed your fish.

加文 能帮你喂鱼是我的荣幸

Gavin and the crew are as ready as they'll ever be.


Gavin, you got where you are by challenging sensibilities.

盖文 你今天的成就全因为你敢于挑战感性

Gavin, it appears we owe you an apology.

盖文 显然我们需要和你道歉

Gavin's up north setting up our homestead.

加文正在北方 为我们置办地产

Gavin? I'm going to get you a result.

加文 我会帮你争取到个好结果

Gavin, there is a piece I want to show you.

加文 我有东西要给你看

Gavin's got a book of quotations in his bathroom.


Gavin, it's actually a slaughterhouse, and you would know that if you were around more.

蓋文 是屠宰場 多陪陪你兒子就會知道了