
音标/读音 ['breini]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 脑筋好的, 聪明的

s. having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence



You know, the blonde is pretty brainy, and, occasionally, the brainy one gets blonde, so.

金发那个其实挺聪明的 有时候 聪明的那位也会犯糊涂

Brainy's gonna be so sad he missed this.

错过了这场好戏 布莱尼肯定很痛心

Brainy, I know it's my destiny to have these powers.

布莱尼 我知道我命中注定会拥有这些能力

Brainy and Imra went to check it out.


Brainy said it'd be hard for me to carry both of you in here.


Brainy, something terrible's gonna happen to her in there.

布莱尼 她会遇到很糟糕的事情

Brainy, I thought you were just fixing my cape.

布莱尼 我以为你只是修修披风而已

Brainy, we need to get back outside.

布莱尼 我们需要撤出去

You're like the rare mix of being both popular and brainy.

你是那种罕见的 既受人欢迎又特别聪明的人

Everything. It's cool, spunky, brainy, goodlooking, you know, gangster.

什么意思都有 很酷 很厉害的意思 聪明 又有型 你懂的 混混都那样