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◎ 单词释义

n. 通讯中用以代表字母C的词



Charlie runkle from um...jjust just charlie runkle.

我是查理.朗克尔 来自 是查理.朗克尔

Charlie, you have to get her out of this.

查理 你得帮她解决这件事

Charlie, this is not the time for that.

查理 现在不是说这个的时候

Charlie asked me to do it and I did it.

查理让我这么做 我就做了

Charlie can't free you. I can't free you.

查理不能让你自由 我不能让你自由

Charlie, I'm a very wanted man here.

小查 我在这是个通缉犯

Charlie, I don't see the point in that.

查理 我不知道这有什么意义

Charlie, I have been waiting for this call.

小查 我一直在等这通电话

Charlie's been staking her out, investigating her.

查理一直盯着她 在查她

Charlie understands that what we've got here.
