
音标/读音 ['emfәsaiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 强调, 加强语气, 着重

v to stress, single out as important
v give extra weight to (a communication)



All this emphasis upon black man and white, does emphasize something which is here, but it emphasizes, or perhaps exaggerates it, and therefore makes us put people together in groups which they ought not to be in.

所有这些有关黑人和白人的言论 确实强调了某些问题 但也强调或者说夸大了这些问题 从而迫使我们把人们划分成了 本不应该划分的群体

I would emphasize again that this is strictly a precaution.

我再次强调 这完全是出于保险起见

And I can't emphasize this enough waffles.

还有一个再强调也不为过 华夫饼

Emphasize that you did exactly what was asked.


I want to emphasize this medication is not a cure.


I can't emphasize enough the risk you're taking.


But I must emphasize that and we had no idea what was happening.

但我必须强调的是 我们对此毫不知情

And emphasized his machi*o and his male image.

总是要求他要有男子气概 做男子汉

We cannot emphasize enough how volatile this situation is.


I was emphasizing what an extravagant tip it was in some ways.
