音标/读音 [zed; (?@) zi:]
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◎ 单词释义

[计] 阻抗, 零, 零标志
[医] 原子序数

n. the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet



You really make a z's day with this.


Came out of a z's head when I killed it.

我打死僵尸的時候 從頭里濺出來的

Made it myself. I call it the z whacker.

我自己做的 我叫它僵尸重击

The soldiers shot some of the locals, and that brought the z's.

士兵射杀了一些当地人 尸体招来了那群僵尸

I'm not bothering to pronounce them, but there are a lot of z's being used.

我倒是不介意读啦 可是里面好多发Z的音啊

Z, I think you're the best friend a girl could ever have.

小泽 我觉得你是世界上最棒的朋友了

It's gonna be a long ride without no z weed.

要是没有僵麻 这一趟可难熬死了

We've never known what z.t.f. stood for.


Zorro had enough skill to sign a "z" wherever he went.


He told us everything he knew about z.f.t.

他告诉了我们 他知道的所有Z.F.T.的信息