
音标/读音 [ˈgraʊndbreɪkɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 开创性的, 突破性的

n. the ceremonial breaking of the ground to formally begin a construction project



The element was found because of you, and that's groundbreaking.

因为你元素才会被发现 这是突破性的成果

It was groundbreaking in my personal life.

在我的个人生活里 这是具有突破性的

No, I have the groundbreaking for Ickaris tomorrow.

不 我明天还要参加伊卡里斯的动土典礼

I'm gonna prove you did groundbreaking work.

我要告诉你 是你开创了先河

Ahmed will brief you about the groundbreaking.


This is a groundbreaking evil behavior, people.

这将是史无前例的*行动 看好了

Your proof could lead to something groundbreaking.


It may have been a modest shoot but it was, in its way, groundbreaking.

那或许拍得很普通 但在那个年代是具有突破性的录像

I'm giving you the opportunity to do groundbreaking anthropological research.

我要给你的是一个 开创性人类学研究的机会

II want to get into the groundbreaking research.
