
音标/读音 ['mæriәj, 'mɑ:-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 马里奥(男子名)



Mario was there for me when I needed someone.

我需要一个人时 马里奥陪伴了我

Mario, I'm the only boss that matters.

马里奥 这里除我之外谁都不重要

All we got is mario, who won't say shit.

现在我们只抓到马里奥 他什么都不说

Mario, I'm the last guy you want on this.

马里奥 你最不应该找的人就是我

George king is hanging you out to dry, mario.

乔治·金正出卖你呢 马里奥

Mario astorga clammed up. too scared of king.

马里奥拒不开口 他太怕金了

Mario could've lived a normal life with it.


Mario, start compressions. I'll secure the airway.

马里奥 开始按压 我保护气道

Mario saw the life you wanted and he dragged you into his, into this.

马里奥看到你想要的生活 让你落到这步田地 关在这种地方

Mario just did two things he could have never done before.
