
音标/读音 ['naiti:]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 女式睡衣, 孩子穿的睡衣, 妇女穿的睡衣

n lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women



Hey, sorry again about last nightI texted you.

昨晚我很抱歉 我给你发了短信

Given that she was wearing a nightie with no pockets, she would have needed to reload.

而她穿的是没有兜的睡衣 她肯定还得重装弹

Turned out, it was just his mum in her nightie trying to haunt my cock.


I come over, and she looks bellisima, gorgeous, with the nightie and the strappy things on the legs.

我走近她 她看起来美若天仙 穿着睡衣 腿上穿着吊带袜

She's in a nightie, and sees a body fall past the window, and raises the alarm.

妻子當時穿著睡袍 看到有人從窗外落下 于是報了警

You look so cute in your little pink nighty, like a little baby girl.

你穿粉色小睡衣真可爱 小丫头