
音标/读音 ['kænvәs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 帆布, 画布, 油画
[化] 帆布

n. a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
n. an oil painting on canvas fabric
n. the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account
n. the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete



It's funny, they say a good model is a blank canvas, and you are like a blank canvas of a person.

有趣的是 人们说好的模特就像空白画布 而你就像人形空白画布

Whether you're hitting the keys on the piano, whether you're a dancer and you're in the moment of flight, whether you're hitting the canvas for the first time, and it's just that movement of the brush on the canvas.

不管你有没有按下琴键 不管你是舞者 还是正在飞行 不管你是不是第一次触碰画布 只有在画布上笔刷的动作才是最重要的

There's a blank canvas if you'd like.


Not to canvas the town, it's not workable.

不是覆盖整座城镇 这样不现实

But the point is, you are blank canvas.

但重点是 你还是一块白布

That was the sound of your face hitting the canvas.


The tale of destruction wreaked on the canvas.


How apropos that you'd have chosen jungles for your canvas.


That he didn't put on canvas until a year after this was published.

直到法典出版一年后 他才将它画了出来

The hubris practically leaks off the canvas.
