
音标/读音 ['emәli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 埃米莉(女子名)



Emily and me, we... we do this together.

艾米丽和我 我们一起对抗病魔

Emily. I know what you've been up to.

艾米丽 我知道你想干什么

Emily, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

艾米莉 很抱歉我当时没帮上你

Emily, you didn't have to know that.

艾米丽 你不用知道这个

Emily, that we used to kick it with.

艾米丽 她以前经常跟我们鬼混

Emily is supposed to be on our side.


Emily was my responsibility, and I lost her.

艾米丽是我的病人 而我没有救活她

Emily she's so distant and out of sorts.

艾米丽 心情不佳还那么疏离

Emily didn't tell me you were such a knockout.


Emily, we're going in there with or without you.

艾米丽 无论怎样我们都要去