
音标/读音 ['hedbænd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 头巾, 头饰带
[医] 额镜带

n. a band worn around or over the head



My headband doesn't define who I am, my heart does.

我的心可以定义我是谁 而不是头带

My headband was a part of me or maybe it was me.

我的头带是我的一部分 或许那才是我

Your headband is out there, desperate for you to get it back.

你的头带在那 不顾一切把它拿回来吧

Mom, thanks for, you know, lending me your headband.

妈妈 谢谢你 借给我发带穿

I was wearing a headband with a cute little mouse on it.


Let's grab that headband and show that guy who's boss.

我们把头带抢回来 看看谁才是老大

That headband didn't cut itself off your favorite old tee.


Cat's ears or headband with bendyspring things.

是猫耳朵或者说发箍 上面缠了点东西

I have a useless pocket watch for you and a souvenir headband for you.

我有个没用的怀表送你 以及给你的纪念品头带

He's wearing a keffiyeh, but he has the bottom corners tucked into his headband.

他帶了一個頭巾 但他把底邊兩角塞進了發帶中