
音标/读音 ['ɒ:tәkræt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 独裁者

n a cruel and oppressive dictator



I know people who consider me autocratic.


This kind of bombastic, barechested display fits the picture we have of autocrats today.

这种浮夸而*的展示 符合我们现在对*者的印象

Well, I know which one makes this heartless autocrat of a hu*and glad he's not dead.

我知道哪件能让这位残酷的*丈夫 很高兴他没有死

I will look likea tonedeaf autocrat, and the gap between my department and the public will grow larger.

我会被看成一名我行我素的*者 从而致使民众与我的部门 之间的代沟越来越大

Those of us with no inkling of power on a grand scale often forget how hard it must be to believe in oneself as monarch or autocrat.

像我们这样的 对这个级别的权力毫无概念的人常常会忘记 相信自己是天生的君王和统治者是多么的困难