
音标/读音 ['sentinl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 哨兵, 标记
vt. 警戒, 守卫
[计] 标记

n a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event



He destroyed our sentinel with an elemental manipulation.


Our sentinels have been around for more than three millennia.

我们这些守护者 已在此地待了三千多年

The sentinels of history, as they like to call themselves.

历史的哨兵 他们喜欢如此自称

If the skin isn't closed, then the incident isn't a sentinel event.

如果还没完全缝合 这次意外就不算警讯事件

Imagine sentinels that could transform, adapt to any target.

想象一下 能变形并根据目标改变的哨兵

In the beginning, the sentinels were just targeting mutants.

起初 哨兵只以变种人为目标

Sentinels will find us, they always do.

哨兵会找到我们 一如既往

First, we gotta take out that sentinel. I'll take care of it.

首先 我们得干掉哨兵 我去

Sentinels keep watch, ready to warn others of any danger.

放哨的土拨鼠一直保持警惕 随时准备向同伴发出危险警告

I am part of a tribe of sentinels who have been here just as long trying to protect humanity from them.

我是守护者族的一员 长久以来 我们都在努力 保护人类免受他们的伤害