
音标/读音 ['dis.sætis'fækʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 不满, 不平

n. the feeling of being displeased and discontent



But there are other ways of expressing your dissatisfaction.


More questions I can answer to your dissatisfaction.


I hope you'll convey our dissatisfaction directly to your hu*and.

希望你把 我们的不满直接传达给你丈夫

But I think it's important for me to show my dissatisfaction by walking out on you.

但我必须要甩手离开 以展示我的愤慨

Dissatisfaction in the bedroom is one of the leading causes of divorce.

房事方面的不满足 是导致离婚的重要原因之一

Dissatisfaction breeds dissent, and dissent leads to revolt.

不满引发怨恨 怨恨引发反抗

There's a certain dissatisfaction sets in when we get what we think we want.

当我们得到我们以为想得到的东西时 会有不满的感觉

I think she's foolish to ignore a groundswell of dissatisfaction on her own side.

我觉得这样不顾对她这边的反对意见 是很愚蠢的

Well, maybe that's the common thread, dissatisfaction with their love lives.

可能这就是共同点 对爱情生活的不满

All my life, I've been a man who sought singular achievement and fed on rage and dissatisfaction.

我一辈子都在追求独一无二的成就 以狂热和不满于现状为动力