
音标/读音 ['si:ziәm]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 铯
[化] 铯Cs

n. a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal



There wasn't enough cesium in that bomb to cause this.


Remove the cesium intact, or you'll increase his exposure.

完整地取出这枚铯 否则你会加深他的辐射程度

a man with the density of lead, with the volatility of cesium.

一个人有着铅的密度 铯的活性

This is the cargo manifest they used from the container to ship the cesium.

这是他们运送铯元素 集装箱的清单

And by then five halflives of the cesium used in the reactor will have passed.

而到那时 反应堆里使用的铯有五个的半衰期就过了

Not to mention if you mishandle the cesium, you'll turn this hospital into a nuclear wasteland.

更别说万一你没有正确处理铯 你会把这座医院变成核废料堆积场

That little piece of cesium can kill everyone in this hospital.

那枚小小的铯 能够杀死这个医院里的所有人

Um, it's possible that the gas could include copper, barium, cesium.

或许 气体中含有铜 钡和铯

The cesium in your intestines will bond with the crystals in the ink, and you will evacuate the contaminant.

你肠子里的铯 可以和墨水里的结晶结合 你就能把污染物排出来了

Okay, math is not my forte, but rough estimates give you 40 minutes until the blob hits the cesium rods.

好吧 虽然数学不是我的强项 但粗略估计 距熔化物到达铯棒 还有40分钟