
音标/读音 [ˌmæsə'kɪstɪk]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 性受虐狂者的, 受虐狂者的

a. deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated



Makes you either a masochist or a martyr.

你要不是受虐狂 就是殉道者

II like sex, but I'm not a masochist.

我喜欢* 但我不是个受虐狂

He's a lot of things and a masochist isn't one of them.


Masochists pay her thousands of dollars to torture them.


And like a good masochist, he'd call the shots.

和所有受虐狂一样 他可以选择受虐的手段

It's supremely masochistic, it's a colossal waste of time, and it's stupid.

完全是自讨苦吃 非常浪费时间 而且十分蠢

I'm a masochist not physical pain, but emotional turmoil is my thing.

我是抖M 不是生理上的受虐癖 我喜欢虐恋情深的那种感觉

Only pregnant women and masochists crave ice cream in this weather.

这样的天气 只有孕妇和受虐狂才会想吃冰淇淋