
音标/读音 [θrʌʃ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 鸫, 鹅口疮, 蹄叉腐烂
[医] 鹅口疮, 真菌性口炎; 口炎性腹泻; 铸道(牙)

n. candidiasis of the oral cavity; seen mostly in infants or debilitated adults
n. a woman who sings popular songs
n. songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast


1. I'm gonna have thrush for about a month, with that.


2. At least, I think it was a hermit thrush. It was all by itself.

至少我认为是只画眉 就那么一只

3. I think I saw a hermit thrush, yesterday.


4. You know, um, thrush? It's a vaginal discharge.

你知道吗 鹅口疮 是一种*分泌物

5. Look close: the female song thrush ripe with anticipation.

凑近看 雌画眉鸟满怀期待

6. Anemia, neutropenic, thrush, chronic otitis media and pediculosis.

贫血 中性粒细胞缺乏 鹅口疮 中耳炎 还有虱病

7. Here we see the male robin and female song thrush in their longterm cohabitation attempting to transition into an established mating ritual.

现在我们看见的是一只雄知更鸟 和一只雌画眉鸟 在他们长期的共栖中 尝试过渡到一种完备的交配仪式
