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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义




Ernesto, do not speak to me as if I were a child.

欧内斯托 别把我当小孩

Ernesto, clearly, you have been through a lot.

欧内斯托 显然你经历了很多

Ernesto hasn't confessed yet, but he will.

埃内斯托还没认罪 不过只是时间问题了

Ernesto, maybe you could speak to the board on my behalf.

恩内斯托 或许你能替我作证

Ernesto coordinates a burgeoning portfolio of urine samples and blood draws.

埃内斯托帮忙来抽血和收集尿样 要拿去做一系列检查

Ernesto can't stay in the country forever, and he wants a chance to get to know his son.

欧内斯托不能一直待在美国 他希望有机会了解自己的儿子