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◎ 单词释义

[医] 精神性的, 心理性的

s. mental or emotional rather than physiological in origin



His psychogenic seizures are rooted in her overprotection.


I don't know. I mean, it could be a psychogenic illness.

我不知道 有可能是心因性疾病

A *all population of the indigenous species remains, possessing susceptive psychogenic abilities.

一小部分原生的物种得以存活 他们具有敏感的心灵感应能力

It... It might be organic, an injury to the brain because of blood loss or a resultant lack of oxygen, or it could be psychogenic, a result, perhaps, of trauma.

也许是生理上的 大脑受伤 因为失血或者缺氧导致 也可能是心理上的 创伤导致