
音标/读音 [ә'rәumә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 浓香, 香气
[医] 香气, 芳香气

n. a distinctive odor that is pleasant



We started filling the chamber with all kinds of these really strong aromas, and we were able to take that aroma, encapsulate it in a pillow, and have that flavor a dish at the table.

我们开始在雾化器中 装入各种拥有浓烈香气的物质 这样我们就能把香气封装进枕头里 把枕中的香味作为一道菜呈上餐桌

You don't do a aroma therapy, you have it.

你没有做过芳疗 你做过吗

Crunch it up a little bit, so that all the aromas come out.

稍微将其揉成一团 香味才出得来

There's really no reason that the aroma should overpower the room.

不可能 房间里会有这么大味道

This draws oxygen into the wine to bring out the aroma.

这样做能将氧气带入红酒中 散发出酒的芳香

The sweet, musty aromas of my old life.


Similar to the aroma on the earth just after lightning strikes.


No, I'm just enjoying the pungent aroma of those chips you're eating.

不 我只是很享受你在吃的 这些薯片的诱人香气

That, sir, is the aroma of, uh, wet cardboard and mold.

先生 是湿纸箱和霉菌的味道

Make sure that you really soak in the grease and aroma.
