
音标/读音 ['spitl]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 唾沫, 吐出的泡沫
[医] 唾沫, 涎液

n a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens the mouth and starts the digestion of starches



Spot of blood in my spittle yesterday morning.


Val, you got a little spittle on your upper lip.

瓦珥 你上嘴唇粘了什么东西

I was left wiping the spittle of a jabbering madwoman's lips for 13 years.

反而被一个疯女人 喋喋不休地念叨了十三年

The spittle you let fly from your wretched mouth was the most disgusting, humiliating sewage my ears have ever heard.

从你那可悲的嘴里吐出的词 是我听过最恶心 最耻辱的话