
音标/读音 ['hʌbi]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 丈夫

n a married man; a woman's partner in marriage



You judge me, but it is you who's cheating on your hubby.

你对我评头论足 但其实你自己搞婚外情

Anyway, my hubby and I had a restaurant on the waterway there.

话说回来 我丈夫和我以前经营一家水路餐厅

I don't question witnesses in front of their hubbies.


Yeah, her and her hubby, they have this agreement, you know.

她和她老公 有约定 你能明白吗

Hubby's on the run, wife's been arrested.

丈夫在逃亡 妻子被捕了

She thought her hubby was playing hidethewhip with his dominatrix.

她觉得她老公和施虐治疗师 有不可告人的关系

Never found out if hubby likes ziti.


That's why the hubby and I decided to renew our vows last year.

所以去年我和老公决定 重宣婚誓

Besides, if the hubby wanted to be *art about it, he'd grow his hemlock off the premises.

再说了 如果这老公够聪明 他肯定不会在房子周围种毒芹

My hubby's around here somewhere probably at the bar not getting me a refill.

我老公也在这 多半在酒吧 不过没给我续杯