
音标/读音 ['meitriɑ:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 女家长, 女族长

n. a female head of a family or tribe
n. a feisty older woman with a big bosom (as drawn in cartoons)



Her tusks are the largest of any matriarch.


For sevenandahalf years, she's been their leader, their matriarch.

在长达七年半的时间里 它一直是它们的领袖 它们的女王

The matriarch has led her herd here for nothing.

领头母象将象群带到这里 却徒劳无获

Aa genius witch and an overprotective matriarch.

是一位聪明的女巫 同时也是一位保护过度的首领

She serves as matriarch to the covens outside the quarter.

她是法属区以外 女巫族群的首领

She's a provider, she's a mother, she looks after cubs that aren't her own, she's the matriarch.

它是狮群的供养者 它是母亲 它抚养并非己出的幼崽 它是女族长

They're a fiercely matriarchal species from the Izar system.

她們來自伊薩星系 是兇狠的母系種族

Every family needs a matriarch and a patriarch.

每个家庭 都需要两位家长

Well, they were both very controlling, aggressive, matriarchal women.

她们都是控制欲强 咄咄逼人 女家长式的女人

She is a 50yearold matriarch, head of her extended family.

这位五十岁的女族长 领导着整个大家族