
音标/读音 [dʒi'netisist]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 遗传学家
[医] 遗传学家

n. a biologist who specializes in genetics



You're a geneticist, you're not a shrink.

你是遗传学家 不是心理医生

And he was the first proper geneticist.


Geneticists in particular are totally obsessed with variation.


Jeff was a geneticist fascinated by the fruit fly.


Last thing I need is a brokenhearted geneticist.


She's a top exobiologist and geneticist with unique experience of our test subjects.

她是顶尖的外空生物学家和遗传学者 与我们的测试对象也有过特殊经历

Names of the geneticists, addresses of their laboratories, statistics from their progress reports.

遗传学家的名字 他们实验室的地址 他们进度报告的数据

Look, a while back, I had some medical issues headachesand there was a geneticist that I reached out to.

前阵子 我生理上有些不适 就是头疼 然后我联系到了一个遗传学家

The geneticist came upstairs and told us that she had arthrogryposis multiplex congenital.

遗传学家上楼来告诉我们 她患有先天性多发性关节挛缩症

The whole reason I became a geneticist was to understand him and perhaps one day help him.

我成为遗传学家 就是为了研究他 也许有一天能帮上他