
音标/读音 [li'kjuә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 利口酒
[医] 香酒

n. strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal



It's not a liqueur and it's not a wine.


There's a liqueur I can't figure out.


Raw cacao with a little chocolate liqueur.


They asked me if I wanted to join them for an after dinner liqueur.

她们问我 愿不愿意和她们一起 喝点餐后甜酒

Marcello, stay, have a drop of rose liqueur.

马尔切洛 留下吧 一起喝点酒

And then I'm going to do a dessert with some local rice and an amazing liqueur.

然后我要用些当地的米做一道甜点 再用上好喝的利口酒

Local rice pudding finished with cardamom and that beautiful coffee liqueur.

使用了本地大米 最后加入小豆蔻 还有醉人的咖啡利口酒

Bitter lime in the pandi curry and coffee liqueur on top of the rice pudding.

苦青柠汁加入潘迪咖喱 在米布丁上方来点咖啡利口酒

Tonight the kitchens will serve a pigeon stew, as well as rabbit, rice with almonds from the nearby hills, borage tarts, stuffed olives, fried cheese, mutton, white broad beans, as well as a selection of wines and herb liqueurs.

今晚厨房准备了炖鸽 烤兔肉 附近山上采的杏仁焖米饭 琉璃苣烘饼 填馅橄榄 炸奶酪 羊肉 白煮蚕豆 以及精选的葡萄酒和草药甜酒