
音标/读音 ['testimәni]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 证言, 证据, 声明
[医] 证据

n. a solemn statement made under oath
n. an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact
n. something that serves as evidence



An incomprehensible testimony is an invalid testimony.

如果证词难以理解 就是无效的

All we have are the transcripts of his testimony and his testimony doesn't mean anything to me yet.

我们手上只有他的证词 他的证词对我来说尚不可信

Then we gonna have the reading of the new testimony, then we have the reading of the old testimony.

接着 我们需要朗读新约 然后 读旧约

The jury should note that the witness will be under oath and that their testimony should be given the same weight as any other testimony.

陪审团应当清楚证人会起誓 他的证词与其他证人的证词 同等重要

But you'll have to do so after you've completed your testimony.


If I don't have her testimony, it's just my words against his.

如果我没有她的证词 就是我俩各执一词了

So any objections to testimony should have been raised then.

如果要反对她的证词 当时就应该提出了

I mean, her testimonial could be very powerful.


You've given testimony about that very topic before.


No. I read the transcript of her testimony.

不 我读过她的证词副本