
音标/读音 ['spifi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 出色的, 显眼耀目的, 整洁的, 绝妙的

s marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners



They're not pretty but, we've spiffied them up for the occasion.

他们长的不咋地 但是 我们会在电影里给他们打扮一番

Your and Iris' jackets look spiffy.


Oh, don't you look spiffy with your man bracelet.


Yeah, man, you're looking all spiffy and crewed up.

老兄 你看着真俊 像喝高了似的

They're trying to make the neighborhood spiffy for the invading hipster hordes.

他们为了那些新潮的侵略者 而把社区弄得光鲜起来

You have a spiffy car, and you're never gonna run out of money, and thus, you believe that artists are beneath you.

你有辆亮闪闪的车 有永远用不完的钱 所以 你觉得艺术家低你一等