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Rawls' rejection of moral desert as the basis of distributive justice.


Rawls illustrates this by considering several rival theories of justice.

罗尔斯通过其他公正理论 来说明这一点

Rawls's idea is that there should only be so much difference that it helps the least well off the most.

罗尔斯的观点是 分配的差异 应该止于让最不利群体获利最大化

Rawls actually has two arguments, not one, in favor of his principles of justice.

罗尔斯其实有两个论点 而非一个 支持他的公正原则

Rawls's claim that these two principles would be chosen behind the veil of ignorance.

会被处在无知之幕背后的人们选择 我想听一听你们的看法

Rawls argues, are lead to embrace a system of fair equality of opportunity.

罗尔斯说 会转而支持机会均等的体系

Rawls says, well the thing that's obviously wrong about it is that people's life prospects are determined by the accident of birth.

罗尔斯认为 最明显的问题 在于人的生活前景决定于 出身的偶然性

Rawls says that this represents an improvement over aristocratic and caste systems, because everyone can compete for every job.

罗尔斯认为这代表了一种进步 超越了贵族制度和等级制度 因为每个人都能竞争所有的工作

Rawls rejects teleological accounts of justice because he says that teleological theories of justice threaten the equal basic rights of citizens.

罗尔斯反对以目的论角度考虑公正 因为他说 从目的论出发的公正 威胁了 公民平等的基本权利

Rawls argued that it's a mistake to think that distributive justice is a matter of moral desert, a matter of rewarding people according to their virtue.

罗尔斯指出 公正分配 并非取决于道德应得 即由德行决定回报