
音标/读音 ['ri:'klæsifai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[经] 三级分类

v. classify anew, change the previous classification



And we'll reclassify them so no one else can, either.


to reclassify a document like that? I don't know, but it's not something he could do unilaterally.

给一份文件重新定级 我不知道 但这不是他单方面可以决定的

The island's longdormant volcano, reclassified as active, has shown considerable unrest in recent months.

岛上常年休眠的火山 再次活跃 在最近数月出现了相当大的动荡

Sweetheart, these officers are requesting we either tone down the revelry or reclassify the evening as the third world war.

亲爱的 这些警官要求 我们要么叫停派对 要么把今晚定义为第三次世界大战