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◎ 单词释义

n. 塞琳娜(女子名)



Selina, I told you I'm responsible for him.

塞琳娜 我说了 我要为他负责

Selina, I just want the truth, that's all.

塞琳娜 我只是想知道真相而已

Selina, wait, this city has been judged.

塞琳娜 等等 城市受到了审判

Selina's like, she's so confident and cool.

赛琳娜很自信 很有魅力

Selina, tell this creep to let go of me.

塞琳娜 叫这个* 放开我

Selina's giving me a place to sleep and will show me the ropes, so, like I say, there's no need to worry.

塞琳娜给了我住的地方 而且答应教我怎么做 所以 就像我说的 你不用担心