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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

abbr. 瓦特小时(Watt Hours);白宫(White House);白色(white)



Derek, wh where do I get them? I'm sorry.

德里克 我要上哪去找 不好意思

Wh I was gonna say that I agree with you.

什么 我本想说我同意你的

Wh I thought you were making cupcakes. I am.

你不是要做纸杯蛋糕吗 没错

Wh...why am I saying person? It's a girl.

我为什么说家伙 是个女孩

Wh I understand her history, but we're talking about her future here.

我知道她的过往 可我们现在在谈的是她的未来

We find her, ‭no matter wh it takes.

我们要找到她 不惜一切

The knowitall wh o actually knows it all.

自以为博学 其实真的很博学的人

Wh... when did she die? I was 17, senior year.

她什么时候死的 我17岁 大四

Wh... I'm not telling her her new boyfriend's a cheatin' dog.

我才不要告诉她 她的新男友是个出轨货

Wh...? I didn't even really think that would need an explanation.

为什么 我都没想过 这还会有什么解释