
音标/读音 [.eli'mentәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 元素的, 基本的

a. relating to or being an element
a. relating to severe atmospheric conditions



One of the most powerful elements not found on standard periodic tables is the element of surprise.

元素周期表上没有的 一个强大元素 就是意外元素

And we can see in these individual elements, these little notes, and we're seeing some quite structured elements to this.

我们可以从这些单个的元素中 这些小音符 看到一些非常结构化的元素

There's a lot of stuff in there, but it mostly focuses on tran*utation, which is the process of altering the structure of an element by unzipping the atoms and rebuilding it to create an entirely new element.

里面写了很多东西 但大部分讲的是转变 就是通过解压原子 改变元素结构 并重构一个新元素的过程

You were in your element. I was proud of you.

你的状态很好 我为你自豪

There's an element of escapi* in being here.


Because there's a very basic element of it.


It could be an element in our investigation.


The reminder that we are all elemental.


The element was found because of you, and that's groundbreaking.

因为你元素才会被发现 这是突破性的成果

Not just of men but of all the elements.

不仅是人类领袖 也是世间万物的领袖