
音标/读音 [sәul]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 溶胶, 索尔(秘鲁货币单位)
[化] 溶胶

n. a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid
n. (Roman mythology) ancient Roman god; personification of the sun; counterpart of Greek Helios
n. the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization



Sol, is your not telling me she was coming over.

索尔 你没告诉我她会过来

Sol, tell me where they are, please.

太阳神索尔 请告诉我他们在哪里

We're 100 sols into our 90sol mission.


Sol, for the last time, there is no keeper pile.

索尔 最后说一次 没有"保留堆"

Sol drove while I assumed the crash position.


It's been 48 sols since I planted the potatoes.


Sol, we could save that woman years of regret.

索尔 我们可以替那女人省去多年的后悔

Sol usually drove them so that he could go to his flute lesson.

通常是索尔载他们 以便他也能去上长笛课

Sol, you pressed it less than one minute ago.

索尔 你才按了不到一分钟

Sol, you must try one of the potato nests.

索尔 你一定要试一个土豆丝巢