
音标/读音 ['lesә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 较少的, 较小的, 次要的

a. of less size or importance
s. smaller in size or amount or value



You'll still experience some symptoms of the encephalitis but to a lesser and lesser degree.

你还会有一些脑炎的症状 但程度会越来越轻

But we are not the lesser species here.

但我们不是 更为低级的种族

And the world would be all the lesser for it.


Standing beside you, I was your lesser.

站在你身边 我就是你的附属品

A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off.


In the hands of a lesser person, perhaps.

恨意若在平凡人手中 也许是错的

While the younger, the lesser child, survived.

而年纪较小 没那么优秀的小儿子却活了下来

Blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own.


And when they do, we become the lesser of two evils.

等他们提出 我们就是两害中较轻的那个

It's the lesser of the two evils, sir.

两权相害取其轻 总统先生