
音标/读音 ['breinlis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无头脑的, 愚笨的

s. not using intelligence



I don't have a brain, that my friends are whores without brains, that all we brainless whores just spend our days waiting until nightfall so we can go whore around brainlessly.

我一定没脑子 我的朋友也都是群无脑的男妓 我们这帮无脑*成天无所事事 就盼着天黑 好到处去接客一通乱搞

Manipulated me as if I was some brainless puppet.


His supermen, all fascist supermen, were brainless murderers.

他的超人 都是法西斯的超人 都是没有大脑的侩子手

There's nothing more tiresome than explaining plot and character to a brainless actor.

对一个无脑的演员解释剧本和角色 是最让人疲倦的了

I've heard an awful lot of brainless people talking and it ain't stops them.

听到过大量无脑之人说话 也没见有什么影响

That's why we came here to this country, and now you may have *ashed it to pieces with one brainless act.

这就是我们来这个国家的原因 而现在很可能因为你这愚蠢的行为 而将它毁于一旦

As far as I'm concerned, my only statement to you is that I saw my boyfriend go brainless last night at dinner.

就我而言 我能给你的供述 就是我昨晚吃饭时 看到我男友被人爆头

I expect you to convince those brainless peons out there in the audience that this is the perfect place to buy a house, or none of you will be living here much longer.

我希望你们能够说服 观众里那群没脑子的拉丁苦工们 这里是购置房屋的绝佳地方 否则你们都要滚出这里