
音标/读音 ['tɒ:kәtiv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 喜欢说话的, 饶舌的, 多嘴的

s full of trivial conversation
s unwisely talking too much
s friendly and open and willing to talk



I gotta warn you, he's not in a very talkative mood.

我先提醒你们 他可不是那种爱讲话的类型

Odum is not the most talkative person, if you know what I mean.

欧达姆可不健谈 你知道我指什么

Ridges is awful talkative for a dead man.

好歹是个死人 山脊的话可真多

Yeah, well, thing is, he's not in a very talkative mood.

是啊 问题是 他现在不怎么方便讲话

Anyway, the thing's not done, so for the moment, you have a talkative companion instead of a silent one.

反正 没成功 所以现在 你看到的是个大活人 而不是冰冷的尸体