
音标/读音 ['nebjulә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 星云, 角膜云翳
[医] 薄翳; 角膜翳, 角膜云翳; 喷雾剂

n. a medicinal liquid preparation intended for use in an atomizer
n. cloudiness of the urine
n. an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space



As you know, the electromagnetic radiation from this nebula is going to play havoc with the navigation, so we're going to need you to fly us safely through the nebula without the use of your instrumentation.

如你们所知 这个星云的电磁辐射 能破坏导航系统 所以我们需要你带我们 不使用仪器安全通过星云

You have the young star just born, and the leftovers, just a cloud of gas, the nebula, the protoplanetary nebula, full of hydrogen and helium, dust and gas, and ice grains forming.

这里有新生的太阳 剩余的东西 只有气体云 星云 原行星云 充满了氢和氦 尘埃和气体 以及正在形成的冰粒

That's for comparing my eyes to a nebula.


We were on a science mission inside the nebula.


Bones, we know our way through the nebula now.

老骨头 我们已经熟悉星云内部的航线了

Federation was using these to find a way through the nebula.


We need a ship, capable of navigating the nebula.


Captain, if he enters the nebula, we will lose him.

舰长 如果他进入了星云 我们就找不到他了

Probably got lost in a nebula storm.


Fortunately for us, we were shielded by that boring nebula.

我们很幸运 那个无聊的星云帮我们挡住了