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◎ 单词释义

n. 免疫, 免疫性, 免除
[化] 免疫性

n. (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
n. the quality of being unaffected by something



My immunity agreement may be in jeopardy, my immunity agreement didn't exist.

我的豁免协议虽然岌岌可危 我的豁免条约并不存在了

I mean, chemo can suppress the immune system, and the immune system helps fight cancer.

化疗可能抑制了免疫系统 而免疫系统帮助与癌症作斗争

There is a distinction in the law between simple mistakes for which officers like that are immune, and purposeful conduct that violates constitutional rights, for which they're not immune.

从法律上来说 警官们一些可以原谅的单纯过失 和侵害他人宪法权益的这种不可原谅的故意行为 是有所区别的

If he did, his immunity is stripped.

如果是 就不受豁免权保护

And let's not forget, he's an immune.

别忘了 他还是个免疫者

There are some people there's no immunity from.

对有些人来说 不存在豁免权

Maybe this is it this immunity deal.

也许就是这个 这个豁免协议

They offered you immunity to roll on him.

他们提供给你豁免权 让你出卖他

I'm not any less immune to the troubles than you are.


You have no immune system to speak of.
