
音标/读音 [pen]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 钢笔, 笔, 笔调, 笔杆子, 作家, 围栏, 栅栏, 禽畜
vt. 写, 关入栏中, 囚禁
vi. 动笔, 写作

n. a writing implement with a point from which ink flows
n. an enclosure for confining livestock
n. female swan



Not just any pen, it's a pen *eared in extrement.

不是普通的钢笔 而是支涂满奉便的笔

I don't want a pen. It's got pen on one side, and on this side is a screwdriver.

我不要笔 它一头是笔 另一头是把螺丝刀

the pen will stop moving and you'll feel the pulses of the artery tran*itted through the pen.

笔会无法进入 通过笔你会感觉到 动脉的跳动

It can tell you how hard the pen was pushed, and it can tell you when the pen will stop rolling.

它能告诉你 推动笔的力有多大 还有笔会在什么时候停止滚动

How about this? I'll race you to the pens.

不如这样 我们比赛看谁先跑到牲畜栏

We all have pens for the checklists.


Concentrate on that while I find you a pen.

记住这点就行 我去给你找笔

That's the story of how I met... this pen.


You earned my respect... and this pen.

你赢得了我的尊重 这支笔给你

Have a briefcase with me, files and a pen.

带个公文包 装着文件和笔